January 15 - March 27, 2022
The annual Achievement in Art Exhibition provides the public a chance to view important works of art while honoring notable collectors on their achievements in art collecting.

![UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE , (Japanese, 1797-1858), Ishiyakushi: The Yoshitsune Cherry Tree near the Noriyori Shrine, no. 45 from the series Collection of Illustrations of Famous Places near the Fifty-Three Stations [Along the Tōkaidō] , 1855, Woodblock](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a58d9cf8a02c7be190d6b2c/1641244857455-35VPDH7RLQI1E6PH2M2T/Hiroshige.jpg)

January 15 - March 27, 2021
The Amarillo Museum of Art opened its doors to the public in 1972, thanks to the hard work and perseverance of its visionary founder and first chairman of the AMoA Board of Trustees, Betty Bivins Childers. Through the dedication and generosity of many others, as well as the stewardship of current and past members of the Board of Trustees and staff, the AMoA has assembled an impressive collection during the past 50 years. This year’s Achievement in Art exhibition is a celebration of the museum’s collection. The AMoA has purchased important artworks by notable artists including Georgia O’Keeffe, Grace Hartigan, James Brooks, Luis Jimenez, Andy Warhol, and Larry Bell among many others. The museum has also been fortunate to receive generous gifts of art in a variety of media, styles, and time periods from local, regional, and nationally known collectors and artists. Gifts of art to the museum include important sculptures by Louise Nevelson, John Brough Miller, and Ben Woitena; photographs by Stephen Shore, Dorothea Lange, Russell Lee, and Ansel Adams; paintings by David Bates, Helen Frankenthaler, Ben Shahn, Elaine de Kooning, and John Marin; and prints by Jim Dine, Roger Shimomura, Ed Ruscha, and many others. The collection has also been greatly enriched by gifts of Asian art from Dr. and Mrs. William T. Price. The museum’s collection continues to grow in both number of artworks and significance to the region. This exhibition is an opportunity to discover new works in the collection and revisit some of AMoA’s most historically significant and iconic artworks.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Engler
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith
Dr. Kent Roberts & Ilene Roberts Balliett Foundation
David D. and Nona S. Payne Foundation